Thursday, August 5, 2010


DV Drama Club is proud to announce the spring musical for 2011 is BYE BYE BIRDIE. Auditions for the show will be held on Saturday, January 8 @ 10:00am in the DVHS auditorium.
Students will need to prepare a song in the style of the show, and come prepared to dance, in appropriate dancewear and shoes. Callbacks will be posted Monday, Jan.10th and held that day after school @ 3:00. If you have questions, call 570.296.1800, ext. 7101. Hope to see you on the 8th.

Maybe you'd like to see some feature articles on individual Drama Club members! And maybe you'd enjoy hearing about some of the behind-the-scenes work, like the costumes, sets, lighting, and how we build the stages. It might even be fun to hear how we choose a play or where we find some of the talent that helps us to pass along love of theater to all  DV students.

And of course you absolutely want to hear about how you can help!

Stay tuned! We'll try out some different things and get this ball rolling. Please check back in September 2010. In the meantime, our contact info is in our profile if you need to reach us. Have a safe and happy summer!

1 comment:

  1. Looks fantastic! I'll keep checking back! Have a great season everybody.
